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JULY 26th
Venus & Victory
824 Hyde St. San Francisco

The Process: July 4th - Oct 4th 2024

After 10 years of having my darkroom in storage I accumulated 75 rolls of undeveloped film. Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of ever processing it all Venus & Victory offered me a 3 month residency to fulfill the dream and create what I call The Process. The goal is to develop all the film from the past 17 years. The condition and contents of the film have been a mystery box from many eras of this life, clean, dirty, dark, psychedelic, beautiful, painful, brittle, colorful, and raw. Over the next few months the show will evolve with new batches of images from hand processed B/W to color negative film.

As I’ve recently been spending a lot of time in the dark developing, the meaning of “The Process” for me has evolved into something more than just the chemical procedure of photography, and the greater whole of project completion.

The longer I spend time with the film and each individual frame, the more I rediscover layers of nostalgia I’ve missed since the dawning of my iPhone photo scroll review habits. From the anticipation of developing negatives, to selecting and printing an individual picture, to creating test prints and capturing the right balance of light - lost emotions are unlocked. Senses and processes hidden in the mind like a time capsule venture deeper into the liminal space beyond the visual realm of an image.

Every moment I blink, breathe, swallow, taste, touch, hear, see, and think builds into larger melodies that turn into memories and form into processes. With every new batch of film my appreciation grows for this precious mosaic of existence, and the beautiful humans that continue to support me along the many processes of living.

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